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Viral DNA and RNA from all biological fluids:
– Quick recovery of viral RNA from plasma, serum and other samples.
– Omits the use of organic denaturants and proteases.
– High-quality viral RNA is ready for RT-PCR, sequencing, etc.

Thông số kỹ thuật

Size Range: 50 nt to ~200 kb.
Equipment: Microcentrifuge.
Sample Storage: null.
Purity: RNA is ready for Next-Gen sequencing, RT-qPCR, microarray, hybridization, etc..
Yield: spin column, 10 µg RNA (binding capacity), ≥6 µl (elution volume).
Sample Source: Plasma, serum, saliva, urine, blood, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, biopsies and swab and fecal sample.


Sản phẩm liên quan

TaqPath™ 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix (No ROX)

TaqPath 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix (Không có ROX) là hỗn hợp RT-qPCR 4X, một ống, nhanh, nhạy, có thể lặp lại phát hiện lên đến bốn mục tiêu RNA/DNA khác nhau trong một phản ứng multiplex duy nhất. Đặc biệt hữu ích cho chẩn đoán và dược phẩm sinh học với các ứng dụng trong phát hiện mầm bệnh vi-rút và quy trình biểu hiện gen thông lượng cao, hỗn hợp bao gồm phiên mã ngược MMLV chịu nhiệt, dNTP, UNG và DNA polymerase Fast chịu nhiệt, tất cả trong một ống duy nhất. TaqPath được sản xuất theo hệ thống quản lý chất lượng ISO13485 mạnh mẽ và được thiết kế để tạo ra hiệu suất sản phẩm nhất quán sau từng lô.

TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix

TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix cung cấp khả năng định lượng chính xác và độ tin cậy trong thời gian ngắn trên các nền tảng thiết bị qPCR.

Basic Yellow 40

Thông tin sản phẩm

Model: Basic Yellow

Hãng sản xuất: Lynn Peavey

Xuất xứ: Mỹ

Biomek i7 Automated Workstation

Designed for your evolving workflow priorities Representing the best of what made Biomek an industry leading liquid handler—combined with enhancements suggested by customers around the globe—the Biomek i7 Automated Workstation has been designed to optimize workflows and increase walk-away in mid- to high-throughput labs.

DNA Sequencing Clean-Up

Reusable and simple purification kit for preparing sequence-ready DNA:
– Complete elimination of “Dye Blobs” for high quality Phred scores and long read lengths.
– Flexible 6-20 µl elution volumes allow for direct loading of samples with no precipitation or drying steps.
– Reusable!

DNA Clean & Concentrator (DCC)

Clean-up PCR and other enzymatic reactions in as little as 2 minutes:
– Clean and concentrate up to 5 μg DNA with ≥ 6 μl elution in as little as 2 minutes with 0 μl wash residue carryover.
– Column design allows DNA to be eluted at high concentrations into minimal volumes of water or TE buffer.
– Eluted DNA is well suited for use in PCR, DNA sequencing, DNA ligation, endonuclease digestion, RNA transcription, radiolabeling, arrays, etc.


Rapid purification of DNA from cells and whole blood:
– Easy purification of high-quality DNA from whole blood, buffy coat, swabs, or cultured cells.
– Protocol excludes the use of Proteinase K and organic denaturants for biofluid and cell samples. are fracture resistant and chemically insert.

GeneProof Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR Kit

The Health Statistics shows that there are 200,000 tuberculosis patients and 30,000 deaths every year in Vietnam. The main cause of human tuberculosis is M. Tuberculosis, also called as tuberculosis bacteria. 

GeneProof Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR Kit applies PCR technology to detect DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in samples. The kit has CE-IVD certification for in vitro Diagnostic Use.

GeneProof Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) PCR Kit

GeneProof Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) PCR Kit applies PCR technology to detect DNA of HBV virus in patient samples. The kit has CE-IVD certification for in vitro Diagnostic Use.

TruSight Exome Library Preparation Kit

TruSight Exome Library Preparation Kit includes reagent sets for library preparation combined with exome enrichment to sequence genes on Next Generation Sequencing System of Illumina

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