The GlobalFiler Express PCR Amplification Kit is the first 6-dye, 24-locus STR kit that combines maximum compatibility with global databasing loci standards, with dramatically reduced amplification time and superior discrimination power, to enable forensic DNA labs worldwide to maximize information recovery and improve overall efficiency. The GlobalFiler Express kit is part of a fully integrated and validated forensic DNA workflow backed by best-in-class global training, service, and support. This kit is optimized for database and single-source samples; for casework samples, please see our GlobalFiler PCR Amplification Kit.
Product Line | GlobalFiler™ |
Product Type | Express PCR Amplification Kit |
Shipping Condition | Dry Ice |
Key Features:
• Up to 5-times faster amplification time than previous-generation kits
• DNA results in <2 hours—using current CE platforms
• Optimized protocols for blood and buccal samples deposited on swab or paper substrates
• The only kit with all markers recommended for inclusion by the CODIS Core Loci Working Group, including all markers commonly used in Europe, for maximum global database compatibility
The GlobalFiler Express kit is a robust and reliable single-amplification STR multiplex kit optimized for use with database and single-source samples. The kit leverages new dyes for the incorporation of additional markers, generating the most discriminating kit available to the forensic community. The kit contains all of the markers included in the major global databases and utilizes optimized reagents, thermal cycling parameters, and the latest advances in oligo synthesis and purification to enable the highest quality results specific to the sample type being processed. Maintenance of the NGM SElect and Identifiler primer sequences helps to ensure maximum concordance with previously typed samples. In addition, multiple gender markers have been added to the multiplex to enable accurate typing of male samples, even highly degraded or Y-negative samples, while increased genotyping accuracy is obtained with the expansion of the allelic ladder allele ranges to include all rare alleles as described in the literature (STRbase).
Experience Matters
We are the only company in the world that designs and validates its reagents, instruments, and data analysis software together as an integrated system for DNA testing. Technical service scientists and field application specialists are available to answer your technical questions, review data, and make recommendations on how to perform assays and troubleshoot results. All of these resources help ensure success when using Applied Biosystems human identification solutions in your laboratory.
Through evolution and innovation, the EmbryoMap solution has been analytically validated for detection of whole- and sub-chromosomal imbalances with highly reproducible copy-number, using cell line reference material and embryo biopsy samples
Samples are prepared for sequencing using the EmbryoMap Sample Prep Kit, sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq Sequencing System and data analysis and reporting performed using eMap software
Disclaimer: This product is labelled for Research Use Only – Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Label or Dye 6-FAM, LIZ, NED, SID, TAZ, VIC Product Line GlobalFiler™ Product Type PCR Amplification Kit Shipping Condition Dry Ice Target Loci Amelogenin, CSF1PO, D10S1248, D12S391, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D19S433, D1S1656, D21S11, D22S1045, D2S1338, D2S441, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, DYS391, FGA, IQC-Large, IQC-Small, SE33, TH01, TPOX, Y indel, vWA
The Applied Biosystems HID NIMBUS Presto System is an easy-to-use, compact instrument that combines the KingFisher Presto Purification System with an industry leading automated liquid handling workstation to precisely purify nucleic acids from lysed samples for use in sensitive downstream analyses such as DNA quantification and STR amplification.
The Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification provides an advanced, validated solution for casework, databasing, and paternity applications. This system comes with a Dell Notebook D520 computer.
This instrument system provides the following:
• It is validated for use with the Quantifiler™ Human Quantification and the Quantifiler™ Y Human Male DNA Quantification Systems.
• It utilizes the Quantifiler™ kits to determine the quantity of amplifiable DNA and the potential presence of PCR inhibitors to obtain an accurate prediction of the amount of DNA input required for optimal STR amplification.
• It utilizes the Quantifiler ™ kits to quantify trace samples; real-time PCR has the widest dynamic range of any DNA detection technology.
• It provides Quantfiler™ kit results in less than 2 hours.
• Consolidated Workflow: DNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion process in one step.
• High Yield: Desulfonation and purification on a spin-column allows elution of bisulfite-converted DNA in as little as 10 µl.
• Suitable for Various Downstream Applications: Bisulfite-converted DNA can be robustly PCR amplified for downstream analyses including endonuclease digestion, sequencing, microarrays, etc.
NovaSeq X also significantly reduces waste and environmental impact, reflecting Illumina’s commitment to using its technology to support the health of people and the planet. NovaSeq X features a 90% reduction in packaging waste and weight and 50% reduction in plastic usage compared to NovaSeq 6000.
Zymot with simple operation process, helps to collect high-quality sperm, improve the efficiency of Assisted Reproduction (IVF, IUI, ICSI).