Biomedic has accompanied Andrology And Fertility hospital of Hanoi

On July 12th, 2020, closing ceremony of Golden Week and 8 year-foundation ceremony of Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies were held at Andrology and Fertility Hospital of Hanoi. Biomedic shared the honour to accompany Andrology and Fertility hospital of Hanoi in the annual event, Golden Week – Happiness Incubation.

The special couples with infertility who found happiness thanks to Andrology and Fertility Hospital of Hanoi, participated in the workshop

8 year-foundation ceremony of Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (2012-2020) and Review Workshop “Golden Week for Happiness Incubation 2020 – Happiness sharing” were held successfully. There was the presence of more than five hundred couples who used to successfully experience infertility treatment at this hospital. They not only joined the workshop but also shared their own stories in the journey to “find their child”. Their families are the evidences for the effectiveness of modern Assisted Reproductive Technologies in supporting couples to find their lovely children after many years longing.

Couples shared their journey in “finding their babies” at the workshop

Apart from summarizing and updating the latest achievements and technologies in Assisted Reproductive Technologies which Andrology and Fertility hospital of Hanoi have reached, the workshop is the meeting for sharing about touching journeys of infertility treatment of hundreds of couples. In this event, Andrology and Fertility Hospital Of Hanoi gave supporting fees for couples in project Golden Week and prizes for two competitions “Family Happiness” and “Call my name, mom and dad”.

At the workshop, Mr. Nguyen Khac Loi – Director of Andrology and Fertility Hospital Of Hanoi stated that after 8 year development, Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies has implemented many modern technologies in giving successful treatment for thousands of IVF (In vitro fertilization) cases, even there were difficult cases such as more than 20 year-infertility with IVF fail, both spouses are diagnosed with thalassemia, or the husband does not have sperms.  

Especially, the hospital updated latest achievements and technologies such as microsurgery MicroTESE (microsurgical testicular sperm extraction), long-term embryo rearing combined with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT), etc. “The presence of modern Assisted Reproductive Technologies, especially IVF (In vitro fertilization) and many other assisted methods have helped many infertility cases which seemed to be hopeless but finally successful. At the hospital, the success rate of IVF periods is quite high and increases year after year, currently the rate is 50 – 70 percent, Mr. Nguyen Khac Loi emphasized.

It was a great honour for Biomedic to accompany Andrology and Fertility Hospital Of Hanoi in this event and becoming a trusted partner of the hospital in many years.

Source: Andrology and Fertility hospital Of Hanoi