

Zymo Research

Product Type



The Individual Fecal Collection Kit is a conveniently pouched kit that includes all the components needed for collecting and stabilizing fecal samples. This kit includes a Fecal Collection Tube, a Feces Catcher, a Biohazard Bag, Gloves, and multi-language instructions. Featuring DNA/RNA Shield technology, samples collected with the Fecal Collection Tube are accurately and safely preserved for downstream analysis.

Device Specs Individually pouched Kit that includes a Fecal Collection Tube (R1101), Feces Catcher (R1101-1-10), Biohazard Bag (P3000-1-10), Gloves, and Multi-language Instructions.
Sample Collection 1g or 1mL stool sample
Sample Source Stool
Sample Storage
  • RNA: Ambient temperature (4°C-25°C) > 1 month
  • DNA: Ambient temperature (4°C-25°C) > 2 years
  • DNA & RNA: Frozen (< -20°C): Indefinitely
Stability RNA: Ambient temperature
(4°C- 25°C) at least 1 month
DNA: Ambient temperature
(4°C- 25°C) at least 2 years
DNA & RNA: Frozen
(< -20°C): Indefinitely

  • Preservation of samples with DNA/RNA Shield
  • Complete solution that is conveniently pouched
  • Designed for at-home sample collection

Other information
Cat # Name Size
R1180 DNA/RNA Shield Fecal Collection Kit 1 kit

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