Biomedic Giải mã gen ASA

The Infinium Asian Screening Array (ASA) combines genome-wide panel coverage of East Asian populations, relevant clinical research content, and scalability to provide a powerful, cost-effective tool for cost of genome screening.

The solution was built and developed on the East Asian human genome assessment containing 9000 genome sequences, built on the success of Infinium GSA, developed by the community of researchers, healthcare network , directly to consumer companies and service providers. Illumina’s Array screening solution has been widely adopted, with over 20 million samples ordered by the global user community.

Biomedic's solution

  • Evaluation of sperm quality by traditional endoscopic staining method
  • Evaluation of sperm quality by flow cytometry technology
  • Genetic screening of pre-implanted embryos – PGT using NGS technology – VeriSeq PGS


Microarray Technology – ILMN Microarray Solutions

BeadArray Microarray technology is used in Illumina array products and scanners in a wide range of DNA and RNA analysis applications.